Thursday, November 14, 2019

Men, Football, and TV Essay -- Sports Televison

Men, Football, and TV By a series of surveys, interviews, and looking at people’s personal history I will prove that even though some women enjoy watching football, a higher majority of men enjoy watching football more than women because most men grow up watching football. Because most men grow up watching football it is a logical conclusion that they would continue to watch it when they grow up. On the other hand most women do not grow up watching football so it is logical to conclude that since they do not watch it when they are young they have no reason to watch it when they grow up. It is my opinion that men enjoy watching football more than women do. I know that some women do watch football; however, I believe they watch it for different reasons than men do. I decided that this would be an interesting topic for a research paper because I believe that football is a more masculine sport that most males grow up watching with other males in their households. They continue to primarily watch football with males, as they grow older. I used many different methods in determining if my thesis was correct. I took surveys, conducted interviews, and looked at each individual’s personal history to try to support my thesis. By using these different methods I tried to eliminate possible error. I interviewed a male and female student about the game of football to see if gender plays a role in determining whether football attracts more males or females. I then surveyed five women and five men. One male student told me that he only began watching football this season because of his roommate. He stated that even though he watched football with his father when he was younger, he... ...they told me it was not to support a team but rather they like how it feels and they like how certain jerseys match their clothes. I asked the men if they buy football memorabilia. They responded that they have bought some football jerseys but they would only buy jerseys of their favorite teams or favorite players. My final conclusion is that personal history plays a role in whether or not men and women watch football. All the men who told me their personal history told me that they watched football when they were young and most of the men still watch it to this day. All of the women told me that they did not watch football when they were young. When asked if they watch it now many said no and some said that they watch it every once in a while. Because of this I concluded that personal history plays a role in whether or not men and women watch football.

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