Sunday, November 3, 2019

Brief outlines for social work portfolio Outline

Brief outlines for social work portfolio - Outline Example This will make learning more effective, easier, and enjoyable. Finally, it helps one to expand his her bandwidth of expertise from which they develop benefits (Honey & Mumford 2006). Spider diagrams are largely used in learning since they assist in creating ideas in a clearly and neatly structured layout. They enable one to think of the main concept and how the concepts are available in numerous parts. They help you to note down information and aggravate ideas. It begins with a central concept and branches out. They help the social workers to view the patients holistically, identify the solutions and needs, and develop a care plan, building affiliations with the family and the patient, among others. Finally, it also enables them to be proactive, confident, flexible, assertive, and to be able to know what to prioritize over the other. A portfolio is considered to be an operational document that is used often all through the student placement and the practice educator so as to review and set out learning results for the placement, to jot down assessments and to evaluate achievement and progress consistent with the progressive assessment principles. This portfolio enables the students to prove that at the end of their placement they are competent to practice skillfully and have attained the principles set forth in the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) at the needed level for the placement carried out. The PCF is an outcome statement that sets forth what a student social worker should understand and know so as to progress. During the assessment, the appropriate level should be demonstrated on the basis of the PCF so as to attain a Pass for the placement done. Supervision meetings are sessions between supervisors and the support staff where performance at work is debated in an organized manner. These meetings take the

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