Thursday, November 21, 2019

INTERNATIONAL & CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

INTERNATIONAL & CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING - Essay Example Cross cultural marketing says that marketers should understand that there is very little scope for ethnocentrism in international business. The marketers should also understand that no culture is better than the other. Today ‘cross-culturalization’ is inevitable just like globalization. Therefore the key to the success of the companies in case of international marketing lies in the degree to which the companies can differentiate and understand the cultures of the host nations. The present study has been done in order to analyze the cross cultural and international strategy of Al- Jumeirah. Al- Jumeirah is a UAE based luxury hotel chain. Here the targeted host country has been chosen as China. China has been chosen as it happens to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world since the entry to WTO. Over the course of the study the issues such as factors influencing the entry of Al- Jumeirah in to China; business environment of China; segments to be targeted; demographics ;cultural issues of China has been discussed from an international and cross cultural perspective has been discussed (Kotabe and Helsen, 2008, p. 301). Before entering to China Jumeirah was present was present in economies that are mostly matured and statured in nature including U.K., Germany etc. Such economies usually provide very few opportunities for growth. Add to that the economic downturn provided additional threat to the hotel chain. Therefore in order to combat the fluctuating economic conditions the hotel chain decided to enter an emerging economy like China. In order to attract the foreign companies to invest in the country so that the country can achieve industrialization and economic growth the China entered WTO in the year 2001 after several years of negotiation. As a result the government was bound to follow the WTO trade regulations which meant that

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