Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Amendments - 846 Words

The Thirteenth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, and Fifteenth Amendment all have had a major impact on the United States of America from the beginning. These three amendments have changed our country immensely for the better. The Thirteenth Amendment officially abolished slavery, and is still illegal till this day. The Fourteenth Amendment stated that if you were born in the United States of America you were officially an American citizen no matter race. The Fifteenth Amendment banned each government in the United States from taking away an american citizen’s right to vote based on their color, race, or their past (if they were a slave). These three amendments were put in place right after the Civil War ended and was America’s first step†¦show more content†¦In the United States today the African American population as grown in size as compared to post Civil War era and this amendment helps in today’s world because theres so many more votes being account ed for, making a big difference in who goes into any form of political office. If the Fifteenth Amendment was never put in place a very large portion of the United States would be unable to vote or have a say in who is put in charge of their own country. Giving anybody the right to vote no matter their race or color helps government voting polls be as unbiased as possible as truly helps make our country equal and a better place for anybody to live no matter who they are or what they look like. These three amendments have changed our country for the better from the day they were put into place, and are still in affect to this day. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments gave African Americans the right to do many things they never had before, and made them equal to every other white man in their country. The United States of America today is based off and known for its equality no matter race, or color and these amendments are what started this country’s journey to equality for anyone andShow MoreRelatedThe Amendment And The Rights Amendment1341 Words   |  6 PagesPossibly the most conversational amendment to every make it’s way through the Senate and the House was the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972. The Equal Rights Amendment was, â€Å"introduced through the twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and sixties without success† (Schneir, 369). Various organizations such as the National Woman’s Party (those who proposed it), National Organization for Women, the Women’s Department of the United Auto Workers, and many other feminists worked most if not all of theirRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Fourteenth Amendment1416 Words   |  6 Pagesof Ohio had long been a believer in the idea of equal protection of the laws for all people, and was one of the leaders of the effort to pass the Fourteenth Amendment. While aware of the need to prove the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act with the Fourteenth Amendme nt, Bingham did not actually believe that the Fourteenth Amendment created any new rights. Rather, he believed that it created a new understanding of rights already in the Constitution. Bingham maintained that, â€Å"The†¦equalRead MoreThe Amendment Of The 14th Amendment974 Words   |  4 Pagesstep at achieving this world with the passage of the 14th amendment. The intent of the 14th amendment was to prevent state governments from denying African Americans in the U.S. from their citizenship. At the time Africans were unable to attain citizenship because of their skin color. The Framer’s objective in formulating the 14th amendment was to grant citizenship to everyone born in the U.S., regardless of skin color. The 14th amendment expanded the protection of civil rights to all citizens inRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment Is The Amendment998 Words   |  4 PagesThe 6th amendment is the amendment where a person is able to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury in t he state or district crime is committed, can get informed about why you are in court, you also have a right to an attorney if you cannot afford one then one should be appointed to you. i will also be explain how even the people who are not even united states citizens have the right to the sixth amendment. There are major cases that i will go over that will help cement what the sixth amendmentRead MoreThe Amendment And The Fourteenth Amendment Essay1458 Words   |  6 PagesNow Cometh Triginal D. Jackson in a Motion for Dismissal on the grounds of excessive Governmental Involvement and abuse of Fourth Amendment s right of the people to be secure in their persons the Fifth Amendment. Ninth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment. First Amendment Protects: The First Amendment protects Mr. Jackson form use of hypnosis to create a criminal act. Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S.Ct. 247, 63 L.Ed.2d. (1919) Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444, 89 S.Ct. 1827,Read MoreThe Second Amendment And The Amendment903 Words   |  4 PagesThe truth to the statement that â€Å"Texas has a love affair with the 2nd amendment more than any of the other amendments† is circumstantial depending on the interpretation of the 2nd amendment. The second amendment is the most challenged amendment because it is so vaguely worded and not straight forward. It reads â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.† This somewhat incoherent statement leavesRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Fourteenth Amendment1532 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the thirteenth amendment, â€Å"neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.† The purpose of the thirteenth amendment was to end slavery or any form of involuntary servitude everywhere among the United States. There was new hope for African Americans throughout the country but unfortunately their freedom had a limit and coincidentallyRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Fourteenth Amendment1875 Words   |  8 PagesThe Fourteenth Amendment stopped unlawful actions by states. It also gave Congress the power to enforce the amendment through new laws that benefited and were fair to everyone. The Fourteenth Amendment represents part of the extension of the power of the national government over the states. It has been cited in more court cases than any other part of the Constitution. It made it possible for new legislation that has protected the rights of many throughout the United States and has helped uphold equalityRead MoreThe First Amendment : The Second Amendment1738 Words   |  7 PagesThe First Amendment The first amendment is one of the most used amendments today. Everyone in the world uses it and sometimes takes advantage of it and most times uses it when needed to. The Bill Of Rights was created on December 15th of 1779 and was created to make some rules in the future because no one had the freedom to do anything. Most were punished if they spoke their opinion, they did not even have the right to choose their own religion. But that all changed when James Madison wrote the BillRead MoreThe Amendment Of The Fourteenth Amendment2237 Words   |  9 PagesThe Fourth Amendment Introduction The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments from the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights was written by James Madison on December 15, 1791. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to address the rights of the individuals that the Constitution did not specified correctly and it also was written to protect the rights of the individuals liberties even if the majority wanted to take them away. In the Fourth Amendment of the U.S Constitution provides privacy

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Appeal of The Bean Trees Essay Topics

The Appeal of The Bean Trees Essay Topics Vital Pieces of the Bean Trees Essay Topics Don't worry, receive a completely free full essay, which can function as a guide to finish your assignments. If this is the case, you might have a fantastic beginning to your expository essay. When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. Fill in the purchase form and you'll get your distinctive interview essay in no moment! Interview essays are written dependent on an interview, performed by the author. In the event the interview went well, it is going to be simple to compose an interview essay. The simplest approach to learn the kind of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. If you're stuck on how best to compose an example essay, you can stick to a few straightforward measures to dig yourself out of the rut and compose an example essay that you're able to be pleased with. At that time, you can begin writing full length practice essays. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Researching the topic permits you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. It's far better to inquire into the subject of your essay yourself. You may be asked to pick a suitable topic for your essay paper and you're running short of ideas. Proofread to ensure there aren't any spelling or grammatical troubles. There are a lot of ways to find the info needed for your essay. Start your outline by writing your topic and the famed quotation you've found at the very top of the webpage. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure to do your homework on what the present laws about your preferred topic actually say. In an argumentative essay, a person is hoping to prove a point with the aid of examples. There are scores and scores of various channels on the internet that dwell upon particular topics that might be linked to the creation of your essay. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to individuals who are really interested in how you'll manage the subsequent four years all on your own. Leaders are made by the demands that are put on them. the Bean Trees Essay Topics Totally free Bean Trees essay samples can be found FreeEssayHelp with no payment or registration. There's the range of topics divided into categories depending on their theme. Examples of such kinds of sports consist of rugby, and mountaineering. Men and women have a tendency to trust the papers created with the assis tance of well-known specialists. Top Bean Trees Essay Topics Choices Prater's Mill is among the longest operating mills in the usa. Music practice and the techniques to have it organized. The Little-Known Secrets to the Bean Trees Essay Topics Taylor, the character who stumbles upon nearly all objects that could be connected with life, is the major character. It is preferable to grow up in a family with a lot of brothers and sisters. The matter of names is clearly something which is important in The Bean Trees. Opting to save seventeen lives rather than attempting to acquire their daughter back, the couple fled their nation. The Secret to the Bean Trees Essay Topics At times it's helpful to observe how others were able to get over the difficult first-line hump. A writer simply are not able to create the blanks, and they have to stay with different points. In each form or on each line, write the principal ideas you have about your topic, or the key points you want to make . Whether you're in the center of the woods or settled in your house on a cold winter's night, fires can be an excellent supply of heat and light.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Academic Deference and Discrimination Involving free essay sample

The district court awarded reinstatement along with back pay from the date of termination and rumination to assistant professor as well as being awarded the ability to obtain her masters degree and if successful, be tenured (Slitter, 2007). Mulberry College appealed the decision by the district court based on the principle of academic deference where the court should defer to the expertise of the academic institution regarding employment decisions of its faculty (Slitter, 2007) (Kaplan ; Lee), 2007).A question does arise as to why the appellate court gave conditional tenure to Ms. Sundae instead of deferring to the institution since this obviously deals tit faculty promotion and tenure issues. The court had determined that the dean and the president of the college had discriminated against Ms. Sundae in their refusal to award her tenure (Slitter, 2007). She had received disparate treatment relative to male faculty up for tenure in that she was not counseled regarding the need for a masters degree as were her male colleagues. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic Deference and Discrimination Involving or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She was also denied tenure by the president on the wishes of the dean despite unanimous approval from her peers for tenure (Slitter, 2007). The court actually did not award tenure but made it conditional upon her completing her masters degree (Slitter, 2007). Another question raised by the case concerns why the court did not remand the tenure decision back to the college after Ms. Sundae received her masters degree. The court evidence points to discrimination on the part of the dean and the college president regarding Ms. Sundae (Slitter, 2007).The dean recommended and the president concurred, despite overwhelming peer or faculty approval, against tenure. Couple this with different treatments twine her and male faculty up for tenure and a bona fide case for sexual discrimination exists which goes against the premise for academic freedom in giving academic deference to the college (Slitter, 2007). The president of Mulberry College based the tenure denial for Ms. Sundae on the fact she did not have a masters degree. Would the case for the college have been different if the president had based the denial on inadequate scholarship and teaching?Considering 100% of her peers had stated her scholarship and teaching were excellent and she provided good immunity and institutional service (Slitter, 2007), the answer would have to be no for the faculty committees and the president would then be at odds. Even the dean, despite recommending no tenure, stated her scholarship was good (Slitter, 2007). This case provided a good example of the court knowing when to award academic deference to the academic institution. This case showed when there is a strong case for discrimination, deference should not be given since the employment decision may not be fair and equitable.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thousands Of People Will Attack The Death Penalty. They Will Give Emot

Thousands of people will attack the death penalty. They will give emotional speeches about the one innocent man or woman who might accidentally get an execution sentence. However, all of these people are forgetting one crucial element. They are forgetting the thousands of victims who die every year by the hands of heartless murderers. There are more murderers out there than people who are wrongly convicted, and that is what we must remember. I, as well as many others, have total confidence in the death penalty. It is a very beneficial component of our justice system. The death penalty saves lives. It saves lives because it stops those who murder from ever murdering again. It also deters potential murderers from ever committing the crime. Unfortunately, the death penalty is currently used so rarely that it isn't nearly as effective as it could be. In order for it to work, we must put it into practice more often. In recent years, crime in America has been on the rise, in particular, violent crime. This has led not only to an overcrowding of prisons in our country, but also to an increase in the number of death sentences handed down by the courts. Despite the fact that the number of inmates on death row is climbing, the number of death sentences actually carried out in any given year lags far behind. People simply aren't fearful of the death penalty when it isn't used the way it should be (Stewart 50). If the death penalty has been declared legal, then the federal and state governments must employ it to its fullest as a means of stopping previous murderers from recommitting their crimes. Since most of the prisoners on death row are there for murder, executing them would ensure that they would never kill again. Obsessive murderers, who know no alternative to killing, need to be executed to protect both prison guards and society. This view is perhaps best illustrated through the words of Judge Alfred J. Talley of New York who explained "If I as an individual have the right to kill in self defense, why has not the state, which is nothing more than an aggregation of individuals, the same right to defend itself against unjust aggression and unjust attack?" (Kaplan 28) About two and a half years ago, my dear cousin, Jaime, became the first victim of a serial killer named Brian Duffy. Jaime, a beautiful twenty-year-old college student at SUNY Binghamton, had been walking back to her dorm after class when she was abducted by Duffy at gunpoint. Wearing a black ski mask and gloves, Jaime's friends were unable to identify him. Having no idea who this man was, they watched in horror as Jaime was grabbed, threatened, and taken away. Jaime was thrown into the front seat of a red Nissan Sentra with no license plates. Later that day, the police located the vehicle, which had been reported stolen, but Jaime and her abductor where nowhere to be found. There was not a single trace of evidence except for the fact that the car was stolen from Jaime's hometown community. Weeks went by and there were still no answers until the day two women, from Syracuse University, were abducted at gunpoint, the same way that Jaime was. The police soon realized that the three kidnappings had significant connections linking them together. These three women had all gone to high school together. Not only did they go to the same high school, they had all dated the same man at one point in time- Brian Duffy. It wasn't long before police tracked him down for questioning. Brian Duffy was arrested in April of 1997 for the rape and murder of my cousin Jaime and the two other young women. They were found buried in his backyard, severely decomposed, beaten, and raped. Each of them had a bullet lodged in their brain. Duffy was sentenced to death two months later. He never stated a motive for what he did, nor did he show remorse. It is now more than two years later and Brian Duffy is still alive and breathing. I am physically sickened when I think about how this killer gets three meals a day and a bed to

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Get Great Content with Solid Editorial Guidelines

How to Get Great Content with Solid Editorial Guidelines If youre not getting the content you want for your blog, or you are spending too much time during the editorial process trying to turn mediocre content into something better, then youre in need of editorial guidelines. Editorial guidelines can be the what you need to unite all of your writers and to fill your blog with content that drives traffic to your business. Who Needs Editorial Guidelines Whether you are the sole author of your blog, or you have a wide range of one-time and regular contributors, editorial guidelines can help you stay on track. Heres how they help all of the writers for your blog. For You Blogging can be a challenge for anyone, no matter how passionate you are about your niche or industry. Even if you are the only author for your blog, creating editorial guidelines can help you keep the overall picture in focus. On days you are having trouble writing a new piece of content, your editorial guidelines can remind you of your blogging goals, who you are writing for, and what to write about. They can also help you maintain consistency over time with your content. Fact: Editorial guidelines can help you keep the overall picture in focus. #contentmarketingFor Guest Bloggers Inviting guest bloggers to contribute content to your blog opens the door to both amazing writers and those that are still trying to game search engines using the guest blogging for links strategy. Having a strong set of editorial guidelines will generally help you weed out the latter (well show you the specific requirement to help with this later) and reduce the overall amount of time you spend editing guest content you receive. For In-House Writers Training new employees can take time. Fortunately, with editorial guidelines, you wont have to train each new employee you want to contribute to the company blog on how to create a great piece of content. They can just follow the guidelines. For Freelancers While freelance writer are professionals who know how to create content, they typically work with several clients at a time. Having editorial guidelines to share with them will ensure that they are writing the type of content you want for your blog as opposed to writing in the ways they are used to for themselves or their other clients. Why Your Editorial Guidelines Need to Be Specific If you want to get the content you need for your blog with minimal back and forth with authors and editing, then a specific set of editorial guidelines is the key. You can start with less descriptive guidelines to begin with, and slowly add new requirements to the list as you run into issues with the blog content you receive. But if you want to start off on the right foot, then get detailed and save yourself some editorial headaches. Key Elements to Cover in Your Editorial Guidelines The following are the key elements to cover in your editorial guidelines. Be sure to think each one through and formulate your guidelines to match your desired blog content. If you are just starting out in the blogging world and are not sure what works in your niche or industry, the best way to find out is to do a little competitive research. Look at other blogs in your space to see what type of content they publish. Look at the engagement for those pieces of content. This can help guide you in determining how to define the following elements for your editorial guidelines. Goals Let writers know what your goals are for your blog. Do you want more traffic? Do you want content that will help you rank for specific keywords? Do you want lots of social shares? Do you want a little controversy to spark discussion? Do you want content that generates leads? Figure out the specific things you would like to achieve with your blog and get your writers in the right frame of mind to create content that works towards those goals. Audience Define your ideal blog audience. Will content be directed towards busy people who are looking for bite-sized content, or technical people who want step by step details? Will content be aimed at attracting small business owners or Fortune 500 CEOs? Will content need to appeal to users or decision makers? Create reader personas for your blog so that writers can visualize whom they are speaking to with their content. Topics Are you looking for writers that are passionate about specific topics? If so, list those topics in your guidelines. That way, you get pitches that match the topics you want to cover. Content Uniqueness Require that all content submissions be unique. Writers should know that the content they submit to your website should not have been published elsewhere in the past and should not be republished elsewhere in the future without specific consent from you. This is something you will need to check with each content submission you plan to publish on your website. Its as simple as putting one sentence from the content in Google to see if any matches come up, or using tools such as Grammarly. Length Blog post length is a tricky subject. In the past, content created for SEO purposes had to be a minimum of 300 words. Now, the average blog posts is a minimum of 400 600 words, and can range upwards of 1,200 5,000 words. While there is no magic formula to determine what word count works best, you should specify a minimum word count to aim for with each piece of content. This doesnt have to be a one-size fits all number either. You can specify that breaking news articles must be a minimum of 500 words, inspiration pieces must be a minimum of 700 words, and tutorials must be a minimum of 1,000 words. This way, you can have some variety to fit different types of content consumers. Tone Most blogs opt for a more conversational tone. This will depend on your audience, and if you have a business, the type of products and services you offer. Some industries can get away with conversational, and maybe even humorous content, while others should aim for something more formal. Media Images are important to content, so at minimum, you will want to require that each piece of content have at least one image. With that said, images can come from a variety of sources such as stock photography, Creative Commons, screenshots, Canva, and so forth. Let your writers know what type of images you want and where you want them to get those images. Links Links can be a tricky subject in blog content, especially if you are relying on outside contributors. You should always insist that writers try to link to related content from your blog within their posts. You should also insist that they link to any resources they recommend or sources for statistics they mention. What you should discourage, on the other hand, are links to your direct competitors and self-promotional links where the main goal is to promote something that the writer has a vested interest in, such as their own website, business, products, and services. If you allow the latter, writers will not be focusing on creating content for your audience, but content to promote themselves. You should also discourage affiliate links. In all cases, you should check the links writers include in blog posts to ensure that they are links that you wouldnt mind your readers (and potential customers) clicking through to. Author Bylines The one place writers should be allowed to do a little self-promotion is in the author byline. This can be a sentence or two, up to a paragraph about the author at the end of a post and on an author archive page. You should still review the links writers include in their author bio, again to ensure they are links that you wouldnt mind your readers clicking through to. Examples of Top Posts Help your writers by pointing them to specific pieces of content you consider the top posts on your blog. This should be a post that meets your blog contents goals and that meets all of your editorial guidelines. How to Deliver Content The easiest way to reduce the amount of time editing blog content is asking writers to enter it directly into your content management system, such as WordPress. If you prefer to restrict access to your CMS, you can require that writers deliver content in the format that works best for you Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or plain text. The goal for this is to make submission consistent and easy to work with on your end. Community Participation Require that your writers reply to blog comments for at least the first week or two after their posts are published. You cant un-publish a piece of content just because a writer has decided not to engage with your community, but you can require that community participation is required, otherwise the author loses the links in their byline. This is a great way to weed out link-building guest bloggers, as their goal is to just get a link and run, as well as ensure that the engagement on your blog continues to thrive. Require that your writers reply to blog comments for   the first week or two. #contentmarketingHow to Apply to Contribute You will want to include specific directions on how people should apply to contribute content. Do you want them to submit a blog post topic idea or a full blog post? Do you want them to send links to published works on other blogs (preferably ones similar to yours)? Do you want them to specify their Twitter or Google+ profile? Do you want to link to their LinkedIn profile to further establish that they are a real person again, to weed out link-building guest bloggers)? You can allow people to submit their information via email, or create a custom form on your blog that will allow them to input this information, and upload blog posts if necessary. Internal Guidelines Last, but not least, you may want to have an internal editorial guidelines document that you send to writers once they are employed at your company, once they have been hired are freelancers, and depending on the level of sensitivity, once they have signed a non-disclosure agreement. This document would outline things you may not want to publish publicly, such as specific competitors to avoid mentioning in blog posts, how to create an account on your blog to enter posts, and a full tutorial on how to enter posts into your CMS. How to Publish Your Editorial Guidelines to Attract Writers Once your editorial guidelines are complete and you are ready to welcome new contributors to your blog, you should publish your editorial guidelines. You should then link this on your blog in the main menu, sidebar, or footer links as well as at the end of blog posts so that readers know you are open to new contributors. In addition, you should optimize your editorial guidelines for search by including phrases such as how to become a contributor, write for us, editorial guidelines, and similar phrases in the SEO title of the page. This will help more people discover the opportunity to write for your blog. How to Enforce Your Editorial Guidelines The best part about comprehensive editorial guidelines is that you can use them to quickly call for edits or reject content submissions as a whole. Instead of having to explain yourself each time you respond to a blog post submission, you can quickly point writers to your editorial guidelines to have them make edits that require additional content or change of tone. You can also quickly point writers to the guidelines to say that the topic or blog post they have submitted does not fit your blogs needs based on topic or quality.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to update your LinkedIn profile for 2019

How to update your LinkedIn profile for 2019 Whether you have a New Year’s resolution to boost your network or you are gearing up for a job search, sprucing up your LinkedIn profile is a great way to start the year. Let’s look at some strategies for starting your year off right, and setting yourself up for even better connections and opportunities in 2019. 6 ways you can refresh your LinkedIn profile for career successUpdate your profile photoThe human eye tends to gravitate toward images first, so when you’re making over your LinkedIn profile, thinking about your photo is a good place to start. How old is your current photo? If it’s several years old at this point, consider replacing with a newer photo. You may not have changed much, but it’s still important to keep things fresh.Remember, your LinkedIn profile picture should be a natural-looking headshot, or at least a photo of you solo. (No party pics, for so many reasons.) You don’t have to be doing a Zoolander-esque Blue Steel pose to show everyone you mean business, so a little smile and approachability can go a long way. It also doesn’t have to be an official production- a candid shot is fine as long as it’s a clear shot of you and is appropriate for any professional context.Upgrade your headline and summaryYour LinkedIn profile is the very definition of â€Å"first impression.† A hiring manager or recruiter might be browsing, or checking up on you to supplement a job application. You want the first thing they see to be attention-grabby, but informative.Here are some examples of strong headlines:Salesperson of the YearInnovative Project ManagerCreative Social Media MavenYour summary should be an updated snapshot of wh ere you are in your career right now. That means taking stock of the past year and thinking about what you’ve been working on, what you’ve achieved, and what you’ve learned about your industry. The summary isn’t a full-on resume, but it should be a brief paragraph or two for a reader to get a quick sense of who you are as a professional, at this moment.Check your settingsThis is a good idea with any social media account these days, but you should take this opportunity to do a yearly review of your LinkedIn account and privacy settings. Who’s able to see your profile? Who’s able to contact you? Are you officially open to opportunities from recruiters? All of this information is in your Account settings page on LinkedIn. The â€Å"open to opportunities† setting is most important if you’re about to kick off a job search. It’s not available to the world, but can bring opportunities your way that might not otherwise pop up.Update your keywordsMost industries move pretty fast these days, so the trends and buzzwords from the last time you updated might not be so relevant anymore. A little legwork can help you modernize your profile for 2019. Look at job descriptions in your field. What kinds of skills are they looking for? Are there new software programs or skills that are emerging? What kinds of qualities are they looking for? Even if you’re not actively looking for a job, browsing the current job openings can tell you what the landscape looks like and what language employers are using. Then you can apply that to your own profile, using keywords that can catch attention.Update your experience bullet pointsThis is especially true if you haven’t really touched your LinkedIn profile in the past year. Consider what projects you’ve done and whether you’ve picked up any new skills, certifications, or accolades. Part of LinkedIn’s appeal is tha t it can serve as a kind of living resume in addition to its social media aspects, so take advantage and make sure your professional bio is up to date.Review your connectionsIf you want to broaden your LinkedIn connections or maybe get rid of some that are no longer relevant, now is the time to do it. Look at your current connections and think about whether you want to keep them in your orbit. Browse connections-of-connections and see if there’s anyone new or interesting you’d like to have in your network. Search content or blog posts in your field and discover potential connections that way. If you want to maximize LinkedIn this year, make sure you’re getting the most out of the massive network of human connections.Your LinkedIn profile is one of the easiest targets for upgrading your professional life this year. It puts your most up-to-date information out in the world, so pay attention to it and keep it fresh! Some great new connection you make now could lead to awesome opportunities in 2019.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

INTERNATIONAL & CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

INTERNATIONAL & CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING - Essay Example Cross cultural marketing says that marketers should understand that there is very little scope for ethnocentrism in international business. The marketers should also understand that no culture is better than the other. Today ‘cross-culturalization’ is inevitable just like globalization. Therefore the key to the success of the companies in case of international marketing lies in the degree to which the companies can differentiate and understand the cultures of the host nations. The present study has been done in order to analyze the cross cultural and international strategy of Al- Jumeirah. Al- Jumeirah is a UAE based luxury hotel chain. Here the targeted host country has been chosen as China. China has been chosen as it happens to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world since the entry to WTO. Over the course of the study the issues such as factors influencing the entry of Al- Jumeirah in to China; business environment of China; segments to be targeted; demographics ;cultural issues of China has been discussed from an international and cross cultural perspective has been discussed (Kotabe and Helsen, 2008, p. 301). Before entering to China Jumeirah was present was present in economies that are mostly matured and statured in nature including U.K., Germany etc. Such economies usually provide very few opportunities for growth. Add to that the economic downturn provided additional threat to the hotel chain. Therefore in order to combat the fluctuating economic conditions the hotel chain decided to enter an emerging economy like China. In order to attract the foreign companies to invest in the country so that the country can achieve industrialization and economic growth the China entered WTO in the year 2001 after several years of negotiation. As a result the government was bound to follow the WTO trade regulations which meant that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Project Motorcycles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Motorcycles - Assignment Example Before starting the production process of the new touring class motorcycle, the company should conduct proper market research, mainly primary research. For this purpose they need to study the market for indentifying the target segment of the available products of the competitors. This will help them to identify whether any existing category of motorcycles is available in the market that satisfy the same need of the customer what they are thinking to offer. Therefore, by conducting effective market the management of the company can easily understand the feasibility and possible demand of this touring motorcycle. Again they can identify a competency which they can use as effective promotional tool. Next step of the new development process is development and implementation of efficient project management strategy. The management of the company should employ an efficient and experienced project manager for this new product development process. The roles and responsibility of the project is very crucial for overall success of this kind of bid project.First of all the project manager needs to identify the suppliers of major raw material and accessories. They also need to engage efficient suppliers for the high power or higher CC engine if they decide not to manufacture the engine. There are many automobile companies that outsource the manufacturing of main part of car or motorcycle i.e. engine and use those in their own products by tagging their own brand name. Next important step of the process is getting skilled labor especially for the technical works in the manufacturing process. Employees with different technical skills are required for the whole process staring from manufacturing of each of the body part of the motorcycle to assembling the motorcycles. Though, now a day, the automated assembling processes have been used but to run that advanced system, skilled labor are required. According to the case the organization is a new quite new in this industry and it is a mid size company. Therefore, the management needs to develop cost effective budget for this project. According to the budget the project management team needs to focus on comparatively low cost manufacturing of these motorcycles. For this purpose they need to engage suppliers of raw materials with low barraging power. Again, as this segment is for touring purposes, so stability of engine as

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Macbook Air About Essay Example for Free

Macbook Air About Essay MacBook Air is unbelievably thin and light. But it’s designed to be powerful, capable, durable, and enjoyable to use, with enough battery life to get you through the day. That’s the difference between a notebook that’s simply thin and light and one that’s so much more. Even at less than an inch thin, MacBook Air sets a pretty high standard — by making flash storage standard. Flash chips are very compact, allowing MacBook Air to be incredibly thin and light. Flash is also solid state, meaning there are no moving parts. Which makes it reliable, durable, and quiet. And it takes up much less space — about 90 percent less, in fact. That creates room for other important things, like a bigger battery. So you have a notebook that weighs almost nothing and runs for hours on a single charge. That’s mobility mastered. Multi-Touch technology is part of practically every Apple product. It’s the best and most personal way to interact with your devices. And the optimal way to experience Multi-Touch on a notebook is through a trackpad. That’s precisely the case with MacBook Air. The trackpad’s spacious, all-glass surface doesn’t have a button because the whole thing is the button. And with Multi-Touch gestures in OS X Mountain Lion, you can interact with MacBook Air in ways that feel more intuitive and responsive than ever before. Anyone can try to make a notebook that’s thin and light. Success comes in doing it without cutting corners. That’s why MacBook Air features a full-size keyboard, not a condensed version of what you’re used to. When you type on the MacBook Air, it’s just as comfortable as typing on a desktop keyboard. And the keyboard is backlit, so you can type comfortably even in low-light conditions. A built-in sensor detects changes in the ambient lighting and adjusts the keyboard and display brightness automatically, giving you the perfect illumination in any environment. If you looked inside MacBook Air, you’d see something remarkable: how much space we devoted to the battery. That’s thanks to smaller components such as flash storage. And when the goal is to design the perfect notebook for everyday use, giving priority to the battery just makes sense. With MacBook Air, you can get up to 5 hours of battery life on the 11-inch model and up to 7 hours on the 13-inch model. Put MacBook Air to sleep for more than an hour, and it enters what’s called standby mode. That means you can come back to MacBook Air a day, a week — even up to an entire month — later, and it wakes in an instant. Time is on your side, courtesy of MacBook Air. MacBook Air features a unibody design for both the main enclosure and the display. Unibody construction means a higher-precision, less complex design with fewer parts. And that translates to a notebook that’s exceptionally thin and light, yet durable enough to handle the rigors of everyday use.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Men, Football, and TV Essay -- Sports Televison

Men, Football, and TV By a series of surveys, interviews, and looking at people’s personal history I will prove that even though some women enjoy watching football, a higher majority of men enjoy watching football more than women because most men grow up watching football. Because most men grow up watching football it is a logical conclusion that they would continue to watch it when they grow up. On the other hand most women do not grow up watching football so it is logical to conclude that since they do not watch it when they are young they have no reason to watch it when they grow up. It is my opinion that men enjoy watching football more than women do. I know that some women do watch football; however, I believe they watch it for different reasons than men do. I decided that this would be an interesting topic for a research paper because I believe that football is a more masculine sport that most males grow up watching with other males in their households. They continue to primarily watch football with males, as they grow older. I used many different methods in determining if my thesis was correct. I took surveys, conducted interviews, and looked at each individual’s personal history to try to support my thesis. By using these different methods I tried to eliminate possible error. I interviewed a male and female student about the game of football to see if gender plays a role in determining whether football attracts more males or females. I then surveyed five women and five men. One male student told me that he only began watching football this season because of his roommate. He stated that even though he watched football with his father when he was younger, he... ...they told me it was not to support a team but rather they like how it feels and they like how certain jerseys match their clothes. I asked the men if they buy football memorabilia. They responded that they have bought some football jerseys but they would only buy jerseys of their favorite teams or favorite players. My final conclusion is that personal history plays a role in whether or not men and women watch football. All the men who told me their personal history told me that they watched football when they were young and most of the men still watch it to this day. All of the women told me that they did not watch football when they were young. When asked if they watch it now many said no and some said that they watch it every once in a while. Because of this I concluded that personal history plays a role in whether or not men and women watch football.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Childhood Obesity in America

Childhood Obesity in America Ashford University English Composition II ENG 122 Professor Harmon June 4, 2012 Childhood Obesity in America Childhood obesity is an important issue because of the shocking magnitude that this disease has reached in the past few years. Compared to other threats to children's health, childhood obesity has begun to rise tremendously. Certain genetic factors paired with changing lifestyles and cultures have produced children who are generally not as healthy as people were just a few decades ago.According to Berg (2004), 15% of American children are overweight – three times as many as thirty years ago – and another 15% are at risk for overweight. The treatment and prevention of childhood obesity are considered the responsibility of individual children and their parents. Parents of obese children are left in a difficult position of fearing for the social and health consequences of their child's obesity, and fighting a losing battle against the po werful presence of the media and constant exposure to unhealthy foods.It has been said that breastfeeding protects children from being obese or overweight; many people believe that â€Å"establishing healthy dietary behaviors must begin early in childhood. Mothers need education and support in healthy feeding and mealtime practices as part of a multi strategy response that targets early feeding as one potentially modifiable approach† (Horodynski, Baker, Coleman, Auld, & Lindau, 2011, p. 582. ) Whether breastfeeding is protecting against the increase of children who are overweight and obese remains a topic of dispute.Although a number of evidence indicates that breastfeeding lowers the risk of obesity, these results are by no means final. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) states, in the United States, while 75% of mothers start out breastfeeding, only 13% of babies are exclusively breastfed at the end of 6 months. Does that mean that at the age of 6 months c hildren are already falling into the category of being overweight? Many studies have been done, one in particular where â€Å"nearly 300,000 participants, showed that breastfeeding consistently reduced risks for overweight and obesity.The greatest protection is seen when breastfeeding is exclusive (no formula or solid foods) and continues for more than three months† (California WIC Association, 2006, p. 2. ) The California WIC Association states that there are several possible reasons for the protective effect of breastfeeding against obesity, they are: ? Breastfed infants may be better at self-regulating their intake. Mothers can’t see how much milk their child is drinking, so they must rely on their infant’s behavior, not an empty bottle, to signal when their infant is full. Thus, breastfed babies might be better able to eat only as much as they need. Breastfed infants are more likely than formula-fed infants to try and to accept new foods. Acceptance of new f oods is important because a healthy diet should include a wide variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Because breast milk contains flavors from foods eaten by the mother, breastfed infants are exposed to a variety of tastes very early in life. In contrast, infant formula always tastes the same. ? Breastfeeding has different effects than formula feeding on infants’ metabolism and on hormones such as insulin, which tells the body to store fat.Formula-fed infants tend to be fatter than breastfed infants at 12 months of age. Other studies have shown that breast milk is more digestible then formula and that is why breastfeeding is better. According to Eiger (1999), in recent year’s nutritionists have voiced concern about overly high levels of protein in the American diet. Since cow's milk contains about twice as much protein as human milk, formula-fed babies usually receive more protein than they need (much of it in the form of the less digestible casein).The s tools of formula-fed babies are so bulky because the babies cannot absorb so much protein, and excrete the excess in their stool, whereas breast-fed babies absorb virtually 100% of the protein in human milk. According to the CDC, â€Å" reports that the percentage of young people in the U. S. considered overweight has more than tripled since 1980. There has been a corresponding rise in the incidence of type 2 diabetes, a disease linked to overweight and obesity and once seen only rarely in children and teens. It is now widely accepted that being breastfed elps protect babies from becoming overweight or obese later in life† (WEBMD, 2006, para. 5. ) Although there have been several researches and studies done, there is still no proof that breastfeeding can help reduce the risk of childhood obesity. A year later more research was done with roughly 35,000 participants. The conclusion to that research was that there was no link at all to breastfeeding and childhood obesity. Althou gh breastfeeding protects a child from many things very early in life, it does not seem to protect against obesity through adolescence to adulthood.Boyels (2007) states that breastfeeding is certainly encouraged, and has many positive consequences for both mother and child. But it should not be promoted as a solution for either the childhood or adult obesity epidemic. Because of the lack of information linking breastfeeding to obesity, it is now said that the cause for obese and overweight children is lack of physical activity, lack of healthy foods in schools, advertising of unhealthy foods on television and billboards, limited access to healthy affordable foods, and limited access to safe places for children to play.Childhood obesity became a very important issue many years ago when the number of obese children rose. It has been said that, â€Å"among children and adolescents ages 2 to 19, obesity tripled between 1980 and 2002 and more currently when First Lady Michelle Obama unv eiled the White House Child Obesity Task Force action plan: Solving the Problem of Childhood Obesity Within a Generation. In the view of most doctors, these statistics are cause for concern because obesity is generally associated with increased risks for many diseases as well as premature death† (â€Å"Obesity Epidemic†, 2010, para. . ) All of these health risks can be avoided if parents would communicate with their children about what they should and should not be eating. Children learn from their parents about what to eat and why it is important to eat certain foods. Breastfeeding is important to form a bond between mother and child, there have been many studies done to try and prove that breastfeeding a baby will help reduce the risk of obesity but all have come up with different results.There are several solutions to this epidemic, parent need to talk with their children about what foods are good foods and what bad foods are, fruits are always a good choice and some thing that children love. Allot all children to a certain amount of TV time, 1 to 2 hours max, too much television is bad and allows them to just sit around doing nothing. Allow children to run around and play, inside or outside, exercise is a good thing. Many children do not get enough exercise which contributes to obesity. Look into healthier foods at schools and child care centers.This is where children spend a majority of their time. It is important that they have good, healthy foods to choose from. Lastly give children water instead of sugary drinks. Along with the recommendation previously listed and many listed online, there are many ways to help with the prevention of obesity. Berg (2004) stated that the seven sound and simple guidelines for raising healthy weight children are: 1. Normalize activity 2. Normalize eating 3. Balance sound nutrition 4. Feel good about oneself 5. Communicate feelings 6. Feel good about others . Balance the dimensions of wellness Following seven s imple guidelines can help reduce overweight and obese children from becoming overweight and obese adults. Although obesity impacts lot’s of people’s lives in today’s society, seeing people pass away from a preventable disease like obesity, in a world full of motivation and exercise is heart breaking. Living a healthy, fulfilling life style is important to a person’s well being. All parents need to work together to decrease the number of obese children before this epidemic gets worse.Obesity in children is a very serious issue and should not be taken lightly; many people do not take this issue as serious as they should be. Whether it is breastfeeding a baby or feeding a child the right foods, adults need to fulfill their jobs as parents towards their children. That means being a good role model for all children at all times. Children need to be taught and shown how to live a healthy lifestyle so they do not have to worry about having any health conditions now or in the future. The only people that can help these children are their parents.Every day the number of obese children increases, it is a sad but true statement. But by following the appropriate steps and working together with children, the childhood obesity rate will slowly but surely go down. A child’s health should be the number one priority in every family’s life. It is important to eat properly and exercise, a child’s life could depend on it. When it comes down to it, breast-feeding could have a slight effect against obesity and that is supported by the epidemics evidence, but all of the research and data are still controversial.Since breastfeeding has many benefits, no bad effects, and has no cost, it may signify a new and efficient way to satisfy the dramatically rising occurrence of obesity in the United States and elsewhere. However, its effects against childhood obesity still have to be confirmed and clarified. Till then it is the parent’s responsibility to communicate and educate their children. References Berg, F. M. (2004). Underage & Overweight: America’s Childhood Obesity Crisis – What Every Family Needs to Know. Eating Disorders, 497-499. oi: 10. 1080/10640260500297333 Boyles, S. (2007). Breastfeeding and Later Obesity. Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/parenting/baby/news/20070424/breastfeeding-and-later-obesity California WIC Association. (2006). www. calwic. org Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). www. cdc. gov/obesity/childhood/problem. html Eiger, E. S. , & Olds, S. W. (1999). The Complete Book of Breastfeeding. New York, NY: Workman Publishing Co. , Inc.. Horodynski, M. A. , Baker, S. , Coleman, G. , Auld, G. , & Lindau, J. (2011).The Healthy Toddlers Trial Protocol: An Intervention to Reduce Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity in Economically and Edcationally Disadvantaged Populations. BMC Public Health, 11(1), 581-587. doi: 10. 1186/1471-2458-11-581 Obesity Epidemic. (2010 ). In Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices.. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/sharpecw/obesity_epidemic U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d. ). aspe. hhs. gov/health/reports/child_obesity/ – 26k WEBMD. (2006). http://www. webmd. com/parenting/baby/news/20060926/breastfed-babies-less-overweight

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Global Core and Periphery Essay

LO: to discuss the spatial pattern of global interactions through the mapping of core areas at the focus of interaction (network hubs/nodes), the peripheries and areas relatively unaffected by these interactions. Global economy – basic features * Single world market – producers to exchange rather than use. Price is determined on a global scale * 3 geographical tiers – core / semi-periphery / periphery * Temporal trends – growth then stagnation. Hegemony (indirect dominance of one country UK > USA > Japan > China?) * Integration or rejection – reaction of societies e.g. Islamic fundamentalism * States (political state, way its ruled) – states function to protect their interests, their companies and peoples interests from global economy * Alternative adaptations – how do nation states adapt to the global economy? Export led protectionism, isolationism etc. Core -North America, Western Europe and East Asia * High income countries * Main trade flows between these 3 areas * Countries in core have diversified economies, with high output, high purchasing power and large domestic markets * Outside this core, the global periphery is a location of cheap raw materials or cheap manufacturing or a market for the core to ‘dump’ their surplus products Semi Periphery * High and middle income countries * First waves of Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) – South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore * Second wave of NICs or Recently Industrialised Countries (RICs) – e.g. Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa * BRICs (the four biggies) – Brazil, Russia, India, China * Resource exporting countries, RICs and NICs, former socialist countries, poorer European countries. * Some of these countries could now be seen as part of the CORE (South Korea) others are characterised by regional disparities and social polarisation (Brazil) others with very rapid economic growth (Slovakia, China) Periphery (excluded) * Lower middle income countries and low income countries * Mainly Africa * Small domestic markets, lack of infrastructure, population increase, low economic output, low levels of economic diversification, high agricultural population Global economy is dynamic For example, the spatial decentralisation (diffusion) of many economic activities. Until recently this was seen as the diffusion of manufacturing away from the Core to Semi Peripheral areas. Now we can observe diffusion in services and an increasing decentralisation of coordination and control operations.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

From Cells to Systems Essay

From Cells to Systems Essay From Cells to Systems Essay CHAPTER 2: From Cells to Systems Important topics in cell biology: * Cell theory: 1. All organisms are composed of cells and cell products 2. The cell is the simplest structural and functional form of life 3. An organism’s structure and all of its functions are ultimately due to the activities of cells 4. All cells arise from pre-existing cells 5. All cells share fundamental similarities and metabolic mechanisms * Cell structure: * About 210 different cell types in the human body, including: squamous, polygonal, cuboidal, columnar, spheroid, discoid, stellate, fusiform, fibrous * Fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane because the double phospholipid membrane is more liquid than solid * Microvilli- tiny folds of the plasma membrane found on the apical surface of the cells that line the small intestine, and in some other parts of the body. Increase the SA of the cell, enabling a rapid rate of transport of nutrient molecules into the cell * Cilia- tiny hairlike structures that protrude from the plasma membr ane into the ECF. Motile cilia are found in places like the respiratory tract uterine tubes where they move substances past the tissue (â€Å"9+2† arrangement of microtubules) * Flagella- found only on sperm cells, it is a single, whiplike structure that propels the sperm through its environment (also has the â€Å"9+2†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) * Functions of specific organelles * The cytoskeleton: a latticework of protein microfilaments and microtubules that function as the skeleton of the cell. Makes parts of the cell rigid, serves as a transport system within the cell, can produce cell movement * Mitochondrion: the sites for most of the energy production within a cell. * Contain their own DNA * All mitochondria come from the mother’s egg cell * Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): Two types 1. Rough ER: contain ribosomes (â€Å"protein factories†) that read mRNA codes then sends vesicles containing the newly made protein to the Golgi complex†¦ 2. Smooth ER: synthe sizes other materials, detoxification, Ca2+ storage. (no ribosomes, no protein synthesis) * Golgi complex: a network of stacked, flattened membranous sacs withing the cytoplasm of cells. * Takes vesicles containing protein from the rough ER and continue synthesis * Sends finished products out as: * Lysosomes which stay in the cell or as * Secretory vesicles that take proteins out of the cell * Nucleus: contains all the instructions for protein synthesis in the form of DNA. * DNA consists of nucleotides which form 2 strands connected together by H-bonds. The sequence of nucleotides gives us our genetic information * Chromatin is the long and threadlike form of DNA and protein that serves as the functioning genetic material within the nuclei of nondividing cells * Chromatin is spooled onto proteins to form nucleosome particles which condense into a more compacted form identified as: * Chromosomes are compacted chromatin visible through a microscope that contain regulatory prote ins as well as DNA * Membrane transport* * Energy transduction* * Cell-cell signaling* * Cell cycle and its regulation 3 Types of RNA: 1. Messenger RNA (mRNA): a complementary copy of a gene that codes for the structure of a protein 2. Transfer RNA (tRNA): contains 3 nucleotides at one end which match up with a codon of mRNA (anticodon) and an AA on the other end. Transfers AAs to the messenger RNA, translating the nucleotide base into an AA sequence 3. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): make up part of the structure of ribosomes Making Proteins (Transcription and Translation): DNA acts as a template for the synthesis of RNA: * A gene is a region of DNA that codes for a polypeptide chain * Transcription: The process by which mRNA is

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Prometheus †The Fire-Bringer in Greek Mythology

Prometheus - The Fire-Bringer in Greek Mythology The term philanthropist is a perfect term for the great titan of Greek mythology, Prometheus. He loved us. He helped us. He defied the other gods and suffered for us. (No wonder he looks Christ-like in the painting.) Read what the stories from Greek mythology tell us about this benefactor of mankind. Prometheus is famous for a couple of seemingly unrelated stories: (1) the gift of fire to mankind and (2) being chained to a rock where every day an eagle came to eat his liver. There is a connection, however, and one that shows why Prometheus, the father of the Greek Noah, was called the benefactor of mankind. Gift of Fire to Mankind Zeus sent most of the Titans to Tartarus to punish them for fighting against him in the Titanomachy, but since second-generation Titan Prometheus had not sided with his aunts, uncles, and brother Atlas, Zeus spared him. Zeus then assigned Prometheus the task of forming man from water and earth, which Prometheus did, but in the process, became fonder of men than Zeus had anticipated. Zeus didnt share Prometheus feelings and wanted to prevent men from having power, especially over fire. Prometheus cared more for man than for the wrath of the increasingly powerful and autocratic king of the gods, so he stole fire from Zeus lightning, concealed it in a hollow stalk of fennel, and brought it to man. Prometheus also stole skills from Hephaestus and Athena to give to man. As an aside, Prometheus and Hermes, considered trickster gods, both have a claim to the gift of fire. Hermes is credited with discovering how to produce it. Prometheus and the Form of Ritual Sacrifice The next stage in Prometheus career as the benefactor of mankind came when Zeus and he were developing the ceremonial forms for animal sacrifice. The astute Prometheus devised a sure-fire way to help man. He divided the slaughtered animal parts into two packets. In one was the ox-meat and innards wrapped up in the stomach lining. In the other packet were the ox-bones wrapped up in its own rich fat. One would go to the gods and the other to the humans making the sacrifice. Prometheus presented Zeus with a choice between the two, and Zeus took the deceptively richer appearing: the fat-encased, but inedible bones. Next time someone says dont judge a book by its cover, you may find your mind wandering to this cautionary tale. As a result of Prometheus trick, forever after, whenever man sacrificed to the gods, he would be able to feast on the meat, so long as he burned the bones as an offering for the gods. Zeus Gets Back at Prometheus Zeus responded by hurting the ones Prometheus loved most, his brother and the humans. Prometheus Continues to Defy Zeus Prometheus was still not awed by the might of Zeus and continued to defy him, refusing to warn him of the dangers of the nymph Thetis (future mother of Achilles). Zeus had tried punishing Prometheus through his loved ones, but this time, he decided to punish him more directly. He bade Hephaestus (or Hermes) chain Prometheus to Mount Caucasus where an eagle/vulture ate his ever-regenerating liver each day. This is the topic of Aeschylus tragedy Prometheus Bound and many paintings. Eventually, Hercules rescued Prometheus, and Zeus and the Titan were reconciled. The Human Race and the Great Flood Meanwhile, Prometheus had sired the human man named Deucalion, one of the noble couple whom Zeus had spared when he caused the creatures of the earth to be destroyed by a flood. Deucalion was married to his cousin, the human woman Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora. During the flood, Deucalion and Pyrrha stayed safely on a boat like Noahs ark. When all the other evil humans had been destroyed, Zeus caused the waters to recede so that Deucalion and Pyrrha could land on Mount Parnassus. While they had each other for company, and they could produce new children, they were lonely and sought help from the oracle of Themis. Following the oracles advice, they threw stones over their shoulders. From those thrown by Deucalion sprang men and from those thrown by Pyrrha came women. Then they had their own child, a boy whom they called Hellen and after whom the Greeks were named Hellenes.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Brief outlines for social work portfolio Outline

Brief outlines for social work portfolio - Outline Example This will make learning more effective, easier, and enjoyable. Finally, it helps one to expand his her bandwidth of expertise from which they develop benefits (Honey & Mumford 2006). Spider diagrams are largely used in learning since they assist in creating ideas in a clearly and neatly structured layout. They enable one to think of the main concept and how the concepts are available in numerous parts. They help you to note down information and aggravate ideas. It begins with a central concept and branches out. They help the social workers to view the patients holistically, identify the solutions and needs, and develop a care plan, building affiliations with the family and the patient, among others. Finally, it also enables them to be proactive, confident, flexible, assertive, and to be able to know what to prioritize over the other. A portfolio is considered to be an operational document that is used often all through the student placement and the practice educator so as to review and set out learning results for the placement, to jot down assessments and to evaluate achievement and progress consistent with the progressive assessment principles. This portfolio enables the students to prove that at the end of their placement they are competent to practice skillfully and have attained the principles set forth in the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) at the needed level for the placement carried out. The PCF is an outcome statement that sets forth what a student social worker should understand and know so as to progress. During the assessment, the appropriate level should be demonstrated on the basis of the PCF so as to attain a Pass for the placement done. Supervision meetings are sessions between supervisors and the support staff where performance at work is debated in an organized manner. These meetings take the