Tuesday, May 12, 2020

College Debt And Its Effects On Society Essay - 949 Words

When starting college every student makes a very important decision. Whether if they want to get financial aid or to pay the money up front. Having college debt will not only ruin their credit, but he or she may also have to pay off their tuition for the rest of their life. Research says, â€Å"According to the College Board, which tracks students’ financing of higher education, undergraduate students in 2013 through 2014 borrowed in the aggregate nearly $63 billion and received $33.7 billion in Pell grants.† By this quote from â€Å"Debt, Merit, and Equity in Higher Education Access† it clearly shows the effects College Debt has on their society but, also on their future. Every paycheck they receive, a small portion goes toward paying their college the same college they finished years ago. It’s not worth paying at least one hundred fifty dollars every check when it could have been paid all together. However, many may not have the same opportunities as oth ers. To continue with the information from â€Å"Debt, Merit and Equity in Higher Education Access† not only does it state that students have received more grants in the years 2013 through 2014 but it also states that ,they don’t use that money for its intended purpose. Many students who have gone to college have said that money they receive from grants, that they don’t use it for school purposes, they use it for their personal purposes. Furthermore, from the text â€Å"The Debt That Won’t Go Away† it states that student’s in the 2000’s hadShow MoreRelatedCollege Debt : Is It Beyond Education Toward Future Financial Security?950 Words   |  4 PagesToday in society the determination for a college degree lies beyond education towards future financial security. While college debt seems to be ever increasing, students from low-income families are less likely to attend college due to the financial hardship. 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